Physics for engineers 1 -Application of Newton's Laws to car driving -Single-eyed visual system, binocular vision, stereoscopic vision, eye movement patterns etc. - Eye movements during reading -Visibility of objects at night and in fog -The light cone model and its consequences -Translational motion of object/source/image using optical illusion effect The best way to learn physics is by playing games. This blog explains how games can be used as a tool to motivate comprehension for students who are struggling with the basics concepts of physics. Games help you explore different concepts effectively so that you can learn better than ever before. Physics for engineers 1 -Electric and magnetic fields and static electricity (i.e. friction) -The electric field lines of a charged rod, dipole and quadrupole -Transmission of light through a prism, the interference patterns that you see when you look at a CD with a bright light source coming from another direction etc. -Electric field intensity using positive and negative charge & measuring voltage using a multimeter -Magnetic fields due to current carrying wires, currents in solenoids, effect of moving magnetic field on electrical current etc. -The secrets of the compass -The electric motor - The electromagnetic interaction between moving charges.This chapter covers the following topics:-Describes how the principles in this chapter are applied in day-to-day life in electricity generation, transmission, distribution, lighting and in electrical appliances. The chapter ends with how computers work at the physical level Physics for engineers 2 Applies concepts from chapter 1 to simple circuits using resistors, capacitors and inductors. The chapter ends by applying concepts from chapter 1 and 2 to the electric circuit model of an atom. Physics for engineers 3 Applies concepts from chapter 1 to the behavior (speed, acceleration etc.) of electric currents in resistors, capacitors and inductors. The chapter ends by applying concepts from chapter 2 and 3 to the electromagnetic induction of electric current in electric circuits. This is one of the most important chapters in this book as it's here that you learn how motors work. -Electric power generation, transmission, distribution using direct current (DC), AC motors etc. -Motors and generators used in industry and transport -Applications of motors and generators -Semiconductors, p-n junction diode, transistor, diodes and LEDs -Operational amplifier basics Physics for engineers 4Applies concepts from chapter 3 to the field of microelectronics. Fulfills the mission statement: "To enhance the quality of Physics education in Bangladesh by making textbooks freely available to educators and students." Provides a platform for both educators and students to share ideas within their community. The approach of this website is primarily based on peer feedback as well as some direction from academia. This website's goal is to improve physics education using modern technology such as peer feedback etc. 8eeb4e9f32 18
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